Selected Publications:

Notes on the Tapestry of the Apocalypse…………….Pleiades, Issue 39

Coda............................................................................Blackbird, Spring 2015

Caesura.......................................................................Blackbird, Spring 2015

Arana Gulch................................................................Agni, 79, 2014

The Bear.....................................................................Agni, 79, 2014

School of the Americas...........................................Split this Rock, Second Prize, 2014
Sergio has ink-pot eyes, girlish wrists.
He draws superheroes extremely well--...

Andersonville Prison.................................................Meridian, 32, January 2014
Go two miles past Alonzo's
Car Wash, no A/C...

The Library..................................................................Meridian, 32, January 2014
I cut my father's nails to the quick.
First the left foot, thick with paralysis,...

Perpetua Holdings, Inc.............................................New England Review, 33.2, fall 2012, Nominated for a Pushcart Prize
I wanted to stop writing about the South,
but then the mother possum and her babies skittered
out of the casket lined with shredded satin, its glass lid heavy....

Lament for the Makers...........................................Cincinnati Review, 9.1, summer 2012
I kick at the fallen oak
                     to see if anything lives in the rot.....

The End of Southern History.................................Shenandoah, 62.1, 2012
And I return to the bear, claw marks
and scratches on the tree, was it oak or pine...



From Cottonlandia, University of Massachusetts Press, Juniper Prize-winner, 2005:

Wakulla Springs..........................................................Blackbird, fall 2006
I found me a cranny of perpetual dusk...

Studies from Life........................................................Blackbird, fall 2006
I keep a cabinet of dolls...

Sweet Transmigrations.............................................Blackbird, fall 2006
of the soul in Terrell County
swamplit matin and deer call...

Tolberton County, 1923............................................Blackbird, fall 2006
Small god of histories, make yourself known.

1790.................................................................................Missouri Review, 25.2, summer 2002
Whitney forged revolutionary nails...

 Hiding the Silver.........................................................Missouri Review, 25.2, summer 2002
After my mother served coffee
from her reproduction Chippendale...

Hand-Me-Downs.........................................................Missouri Review, 25.2, summer 2002
My mother wore the collared, pearl-buttoned blouse....

Stop Dancing..............................................................Missouri Review, 25.2, summer 2002
Summers at Chehaw Park, Cherokees...

Bartram Among the Seminoles..............................Missouri Review, 25.2, summer 2002
Men sit in the hot house until stacked
spirals of cane burn back into carbon...

Bartram's Ghost...........................................................Missouri Review, 25.2, summer 2002
The skies, they are beaten back,...

The Legs of the Countess.......................................Conjunctions, spring 2004
Play your hand, Madame...

Mephista Recounts Her Past Lives,
or Nanotechnology
.....................................................Conjunctions, spring 2004
Newsflash, Missus--machines...

Mephista to Miss Black.............................................reprinted in From the Fishouse, spring 2006
You're the girl who knows better but. ...

The Dreaming Golem................................................reprinted in From the Fishouse, spring 2006
And the other selves deployed...

Mephista Summering.................................................reprinted in From the Fishouse, spring 2006
In the appaloosa's ear...

Mephista and Miss B. and Moravia........................reprinted in From the Fishouse, spring 2006
Wearing your waxed raincoat...

Chelsea Episode........................................................reprinted in From the Fishouse, spring 2006
My daimon accompanied me...

Seduction, or the Unicorn Tapestries....................reprinted in From the Fishouse, spring 2006
The horse makes its little
leap of nothing...

Mephista as Material Witness...................................reprinted in From the Fishouse, spring 2006
At approximately 2 a.m....

Mephista at the Blackboard.......................................reprinted in From the Fishouse, spring 2006
constructs a genealogy...